Tuesday, January 23, 2007

we have arrived.

I'm here, I'm safe, I love the group and have so much to tell even though we only just arrived this evening, but internet access (as with everything at a major international hotel) is EXPENSIVE! This may be the most costly 'free' trip I'll ever take. Will write when I have time and money!

much love to all ...



Anonymous said...

good to hear you're safe Rebecca.... will offer you a full summary of Dubyas latest line of crap later on tonight...

KristaJoy said...

"Broadcast all the love and good that you have learned." - Yoruban proverb

Yeah! so great to hear you arrived! can't wait to hear all about things so far! miss you and am eternally excited for this adventure.

much love...krista

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you arrived safely! Liz and I will make some turns for you here in Vail while you enjoy not being cold. Watching the State of the Union...it's really interesting because I can just barely see Cheney's lips move when Bush speaks, I guess ol' Dickey got that copy of "Ventriloquism for Dummies" that I sent him. Hope all continues to go well for you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you arrived safely! Liz and I will make some turns for you here in Vail while you enjoy not being cold. Watching the State of the Union...it's really interesting because I can just barely see Cheney's lips move when Bush speaks, I guess ol' Dickey got that copy of "Ventriloquism for Dummies" that I sent him. Hope all continues to go well for you!

Anonymous said...

Yeay!! I am greatly anticipating your next posting. I'm traveling vicariously through you, of course, since I've been economically grounded for now. Much love!!

pohl said...

Expensive internet? Write offline; copy & paste into blogspot quickly. Hope that helps. :-)

I'm loving that Yoruban proverb site, Krista. You've got a knack for picking good ones to go with your posts. I couldn't find one to go with cost-saving internet suggestions, but I liked this one:

"If one imitates the upright, one becomes upright; if one imitates the crooked, one becomes crooked."

Anonymous said...

Hi Becki,

Glad to hear you arrived safely. Just wanted you to know your blog has another avid reader